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Global Training Grants

Get ready,
Be more,
Be global!

If you have completed your studies, you should be thinking about your next step.

Global Training 2024 Grants are offered to young people from the Basque Country under the age of 30 with a Higher University Degree or Higher Degree Vocational Training.

This programme offers you the opportunity of training professionally abroad on a paid work placement in companies or institutions adapted to your academic speciality.

Through this project, we foster international mobility for young people from the Basque Country in order to complement their training and offer them a promising future.

International mobility programme
For young people from the Basque Country with a university degree or higher training who want to train professionally abroad.

  • Global Training offers 500 places to obtain unique experience abroad.
  • The work placements have a minimum duration of six months and may be extended to 12 months
  • 40-60 hours of prior training is provided
  • Endowment of €1,635 per month for 6 months


  • Young people from the Basque Country under the age of 30
  • Higher University Degree or Higher Degree Vocational Training
  • Command of English, B1 Level for Higher Level Vocational Training and B2 Level for University graduates

Placements of up to 12 months abroad

It is estimated that in the near future a significant percentage of all jobs in the EU will call for high level qualifications and that an important part of skill acquisition will be through non-formal training, with special emphasis on what is referred to as international mobility, voluntary service, practical learning in real work environments and active participation of young people.

Therefore, in order to find solutions to the challenges of the future in the field of an open economy and for the development of skills and knowledge, training and mobility of young Basque people, training them for their incorporation into the job market, a programme of grants called “Global Training” Grants was launched in 2012. This programme, aimed at young people with university and higher level vocational training qualifications, fosters the transnational mobility of young people from the Basque Country to carry out activities and projects related to their academic and professional profile in foreign companies and organisations with a previously planned practical training plan.

The boost in the internationalisation of the Basque economy will require more and better prepared young people for a sustainable society, in which there is the same economic independence for both men and women

You will return home as a prestigious professional, which will open doors to the job market for you

Do you have any doubt?

Send us your details and we will contact you.